If someone you love has completed suicide, we are so sorry for your loss.

If you've struggled with suicide ideation or attempt, we want you to know we love you and we're glad you made it this far.

Our pain can become our purpose by taking action to help others.

When you're ready, we hope you can join us in supporting this work to end suicide.

Founder Story

Every Story Matters

Prevention Apparel

Scotty's love for rock music inspired the logo, design, and branding for Suicide Sucks. Since then, thousands of people have seen these shirts and have been inspired to connect with others.

Proceeds are dedicated to supporting those who struggle with daily motivation with a subscription to CopeNotes! - Check it out!

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What we are doing with the money we receive:

Right now we are raising $100,000 to sponsor mental health resources to at-risk youth in Utah.

We can't do it without help, and we appreciate you joining the fight with your contribution.